As a Foundation Trust, we have a Council of Governors - a collective body made up of staff members, patients and the public who use their skills and experience to support the work of the Trust.

Governors have an important role to play in ensuring that the views of patients and Trust Members are represented when important decisions are made. 

The Council of Governors meets quarterly, but Governors can also support the work of the hospital by getting involved in a number of different committees, including our Patient and Public Involvement Committee and our Forward Planning Committee.

Governor responsibilities include:

  • Helping us plan for the future
  • Ensuring the Trust is accountable to local people
  • Recruiting and developing members
  • Appointing or removing the Chairman and Non-Executive Directors

Governor elections 2024

Royal Papworth is in the process of electing six public Governors:

  • two from Cambridgeshire
  • two from Norfolk
  • two from Suffolk

There is also one staff Governor role available in this year’s elections:

  • one from ancillary, estates and others. 

Nominations closed at 17:00 on Friday 19 July 2024 and further information will follow.

For more information please contact Kwame Mensa-Bonsu, Associate Director of Corporate Governance.

Become a Trust Member

If you would like to become a Governor or vote in the Council of Governor elections, you first need to be a Foundation Trust Member, which is a simple online form. It’s free and your chance to have your views represented a Board level. If you are interested in putting your name forward as a candidate please contact