Scan for intranet access
Royal Papworth Hospital staff are able to access the Trust intranet from any device in any location, away from the hospital network, from any internet enabled PC, Smartphone or Tablet, such as your home PC.
If logging in on a personal device you will need to enter the following details in the specific format below. NOTE: This is also the format needed if you are on site and being asked to enter a username.
Links to clinical systems and the Data Warehouse portal will only be available via secure network connections, and cannot be accessed via personal devices.
Username: abcd@papworth.hospital.nhs.uk (where abcd is your normal computer login - this is normally three or four letters if it is your own account, or the name of the generic account)
Password: your normal Trust computer password
NOTE: the end part of the username to log into the intranet remotely is different to the one at the end of your NHS email - we recommend you copy and paste this part (@papworth.hospital.nhs.uk) for ease before clicking the 'Access the staff intranet' link.