Dr Mason graduated from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic in 2000 and completed all her postgraduate training in the UK. She began her training in Southampton where she gained Membership of the Royal College of Physicians. She continued her specialist training in Respiratory Medicine and General (Internal) Medicine in the East of England Deanery.
She was awarded a Research Fellowship at the Respiratory Support and Sleep Centre at Royal Papworth Hospital which allowed her to undertake 2 years of scientific research looking at patients with obstructive sleep apnoea undergoing surgical procedures and the effect of obstructive sleep apnoea on post-operative outcomes. She successfully completed postgraduate degree and was awarded MD (research doctorate) by Cambridge University in 2019 following submission of dissertation entitled “Sleep apnoea and cardiac surgery: Screening, prevalence, postoperative outcomes".
Dr Mason continues to regularly attend general respiratory and sleep clinics at Royal Papworth Hospital and continues to look after patients with ventilatory failure and those needing liberating from invasive mechanical ventilation. She continues her specialist interest in obstructive sleep apnoea and is regularly giving presentations at national and international scientific meetings.
She is a member of Cochrane Airway Group and author of two systematic Cochrane reviews looking at "Drug treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea" and "The effect of sedatives and hypnotics on patients with sleep apnoea".
General respiratory conditions including: asthma, emphysema/COPD, cough, interstitial lung disease, respiratory muscle weakness.
Respiratory and non-respiratory sleep disorders including: obstructive sleep apnoea, insomnia, parasomnia, restless legs, narcolepsy and cataplexy.
Ventilatory failure and non-invasive ventilation, weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation
Obstructive sleep apnoea and its treatment, screening for obstructive sleep apnoea, perioperative care and treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea, effect of sedative drugs, including opioids on patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.
MD(research doctorate) Cambridge University, UK - 2019
FRCP (London, UK) - 2018
Respiratory Specialty Certificate Examination - 2010
MRCP (London, UK) - 2006
MD Charles University, Prague - 2000
British Sleep Society
British Thoracic Society
European Respiratory Society
Cochrane Airways Group
Mason M, Hernandez-Sanchez J, Vuylsteke A, Smith I. Usefulness of the STOP-Bang questionnaire in a cardiac surgical population. J.Cardiothorac. Vasc Anesth. 2018. Apr 26.
Mason M, Smith I. Obstructive sleep apnoea in patients undergoing cardiac Surgery. J Cardiol and Cardiovasc Sciences (2018) 2(1): 10-13. Mini-review
Mason M, Hernandez-Sanchez J, Vuylsteke A, Smith I. Association between severity of untreated sleep apnoea and postoperative complications following major cardiac surgery: a prospective observational cohort study. Sleep Med.2017 Sep; 37:141-146
Mason M, Cates CJ, Smith I. Effects of opioid, hypnotic and sedating medications on sleep- disordered breathing in adults with obstructive sleep apnoea. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2015 Jul 14;7:CD011090
Mason M, Welsh EJ, Smith I. Drug therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea in adults. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2013 May 31;5:CD003002