If at any point you have questions or are concerned about any of the tests carried out by the team at Royal Papworth Hospital, please speak with your clinician. There is also a lot of information available on the British Heart Foundation website.

An expert Radiology Service supports diagnostic imaging at the hospital. Supervised by specialist Radiologists, the service includes a full range of state-of-the-art equipment. Our large team of specialist cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons and radiologists work closely together to ensure that the most appropriate investigations are carried out and clinical decisions made in response to the needs and expectations of our patients.

There are an increasing number of multi-disciplinary team meetings to facilitate this, e.g. structural heart MDT, specialist valve MDT and heart (coronary) MDT meetings. These meetings also link, via video, to neighbouring hospitals to provide expert input into the clinical pathways of patients undergoing evaluation and being considered for referral to Royal Papworth Hospital.