There are lots of things to think about when searching the internet for health information which can be difficult, especially during stressful times.
You need to be sure that the information you find is reliable and up to date which can be hard to find out. This guide put together by The Patients Association gives good advice about what to look for when searching for health information online to help you check that what you find is trustworthy:
This short course made by Learn My Way is a good way to improve your knowledge of how the internet can support your health. It’s free to access and covers GP services and the NHS website:
The BBC has a news webpage all about health and is a good source of up-to-date health information and health related news stories.
To help you find good health information, the Royal Papworth Library has put together a collection of weblinks on a range of health related and other relevant topics. There is also a link to information about a number of health apps that you might be interested in downloading to your smartphone or tablet.
Click on the drop-down menu bars below to find online resources about the topics you are interested in.