Our Respiratory Support and Sleep Centre (RSSC) is a specialist sleep centre in the UK dealing with all non-respiratory and respiratory sleep disorders. The centre performs more than 100 clinical polysomnographies per month and is actively involved in sleep research. It also runs outreach clinics throughout East Anglia to deliver sleep services locally to patients.
From a respiratory perspective, the RSSC provides domiciliary non-invasive ventilation for all conditions requiring this therapy, including neuromuscular disorders, thoracic wall deformity, COPD and obesity. The centre runs an invasive ventilation weaning programme (IVWP) accepting transfers from critical care units on a national basis. The centre runs outpatient respiratory clinics and sees patients as day cases, as required, to optimise their care. Staff manage patients requiring ongoing invasive mechanical ventilation in the community and have an active research programme examining all aspects of respiratory care.
In April 2012 Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust was commissioned by the National Specialised Commissioning Team to provide the National Ataxia Telangiectasia (AT) Service or adult patients.
Information about the management of other sleep disorders can be found in the Sleep Services area, while information about the other respiratory support services provided can be found in the Respiratory support area.